Being safe and healthy at work is not something you do alone. Everyone in the chain has their own responsibility in this respect. When employees, contractors, clients and temporary employment agencies support each other with this responsibility and try to strengthen each other, then the risk of accidents and incidents occurring is as small as possible.

Being a good client

Contractors may expect their clients to behave like a good contracted party. This means, for example, that they will:

  • Ensure that contractors can carry out their task safely (by freeing up sufficient time, money and resources);
  • Ensure that contractors do not have to pay for things that have not been properly arranged by the client;
  • Is approachable, thinks along with the contractor and appreciates its efforts to work safely and healthily.

When a client requires an SCC certificate, contractors may expect the SCC to be more than a contractual clause that the client leaves to its procurers. In consultation with its safety experts, the client must provide a tailor-made approach for each project.

When a client has an SCP certificate, contractors may expect that it:

  • Knows the risks of the work and the working environment, clearly identifies them, makes them negotiable and takes measures to manage them;
  • Is prepared for emergencies and instructs its employees what to do in such cases;
  • Has its efforts in the field of safe and healthy work assessed and evaluated by the contractor and implements the points for improvement put forward by the contractor.

Being a good contractor

Clients may expect a contractor to behave like a good contracted party. This means, for example, that they will:

  • Knows the risks of the work and the working environment, clearly identifies them, makes them negotiable and takes measures to manage them;
  • Does everything it can to prevent incidents and, in the unlikely event that something does happen, takes immediate action;
  • Enables its employees to be safe and healthy at work, including by providing safe working and personal protective equipment;
  • Clearly sets limits, does not accept unsafe behaviour, but also makes room to learn from mistakes;
  • Is approachable and open to tips and tricks to be safer and healthier at work.

When a contractor has an SCC certificate, its client may expect the SCC to be more than a checklist that it just ticks off; the contractor acts consciously according to the underlying objectives and looks, together with its client, at how it can implement points for improvement.

Being a good employer

Employees can expect their employer to behave like a good employer. This means, for example, that they will:

  • Knows the risks of the work and the working environment, clearly identifies them, makes them negotiable and takes measures to manage them;
  • Does everything it can to prevent incidents and, in the unlikely event that something does happen, takes immediate action;
  • Enables its employees to be safe and healthy at work, including by providing safe working and personal protective equipment;
  • Clearly sets limits, does not accept unsafe behaviour, but also makes room to learn from mistakes;
  • Is approachable and open to tips and tricks to be safer and healthier at work.

If their company has an SCC certificate, employees can rest assured that their employer will systematically consider such matters and will not allow this to slide.

Being a good employee

Employers are entitled to expect that their employees:

  • Take good care of themselves and their colleagues;
  • Are a good ambassador for the company by working in a safe and healthy manner;
  • Are alert to risks and that they do what they can to control them.
  • When the solution is beyond their power, insist on action and actively think about the solution.

An SCC diploma helps them with this.