What and for whom
SCC is a proven programme in which various sectors of Dutch industry have combined their knowledge and experience in the field of health and safety at work. An SCC certificate will help you lay the foundations for a safe and healthy start to every working day. You show that your company attaches great importance to health and safety at work and you market yourself as a professional and reliable contractor.
You are eligible for an SCC certificate if your SHE management system meets the requirements set by SCC. SCC considers:
- Your SHE policy and organisation and the involvement of management
- Risk management
- Training, information and instruction
- SHE awareness
- Your SHE project plan
- Preparation for emergencies
- SHE inspections
- Occupational healthcare
- Purchase and inspection of materials, work equipment and personal protective equipment
- Procurement of services
- Reporting, recording and investigation of SHE incidents
SCC is intended for companies that carry out risky work or work in a risky environment. Such as construction or maintenance work on building sites, in factories and workshops, and at installations. SCC is in high demand in the following sectors and disciplines:
- Petrochemical
- Mechanical engineering
- Electrical engineering
- Scaffolding construction
- Civil engineering
- Metal
- Process industry
- Insulation
- Transport
- Industrial cleaning
- Maintenance
For your employees: B-SCC and SOS-SCC
Employees and operational managers of SCC-certified companies must have an SCC Basic safety diploma (B-SCC) and an SCC Safety for Operational Managers diploma (SOS-SCC). In this way they show that they have basic knowledge about safety, health and the environment and that they - in the case of operational managers - are able to apply this knowledge.
Read more about B-SCC or SOS-SCC

4. Attracting talent
professionals recognize professionalism
The pitfall of ‘simply’
“As soon as you use the word ‘simply’, it should automatically trigger an airbag. No matter how good or large a client may be, when it asks for something to be done ‘simply’, there is a danger that you will carry out the work without thinking about it and lose sight of health and safety in the process. So you should always be aware of what you are doing, but also of what you are not doing.”
Hans Kuijpers, eigenaar Eerland Services
You decide for yourself whether you want to have an SCC certificate; your client decides whether you must have an SCC certificate. Your client may also require you to have SCC if it does not have SCC or SCP itself. But even if your client does not require SCC, there is every reason to still obtain the certificate. Because safety and health at work is good for your business and good for your employees.
SCC has three certification levels that increase in weight: SCC*, SCC** and SCC Petrochemicals. You can use our SCC guide to determine the level of certification that applies to your company. Ultimately, your client determines the level of certification you need.
You first carry out a baseline measurement by going through the questions associated with your certification level and determining which requirements you satisfy and those you do not. You can use the SCC checklist for this purpose. The checklist can be ordered here. You include the aspects that you do not yet satisfy in an action plan to improve your SHE management system.
You implement the action points in the action plan and this will bring your SHE management system to the required level. The SCC explanation (in Dutch) contains tips and examples that are useful in this respect. Under Download & Order you will find more tools and resources.
If you have completed steps 1 to 4, you can apply for certification from a recognised certification body. This body will assess your SHE management system by conducting an audit. If you meet the requirements, you will receive the SCC certificate. This is automatically registered in the Central Certification Register (website in Dutch). Clients can check whether your company has the certificate.
If you do not yet meet all the requirements, you should first implement the identified areas for improvement. Then you can apply for a new certification.
The SCC certificate is valid for three years, provided you continue to meet the requirements. The certification body visits every year to check this in an interim audit. You are required to remedy any shortcomings within three months. If you fail to do so, your certificate will be revoked. Do you want to stay certified after three years? If so, you will have to be recertified in accordance with the SCC requirements in effect at that time.
In practice
If you have an SCC certificate, your clients and employees can expect the SCC to be more than a checklist that you just tick off; you act consciously in accordance with the underlying objectives and, together with your clients and employees, look at how you can implement points for improvement.
The SCC certificate is valid for three years, provided you continue to meet the requirements. The certification body visits every year to check this in an interim audit. Do you want to stay certified after three years? Then you have to be certified again. You can check the period of validity of your certificate in the Central Certification Register (in Dutch). Your certificate is only valid if it is registered in the Central Certification Register.
SCC and other countries
The Netherlands and Belgium have a long tradition of cooperation in the field of Safety, Health and Environment Checklist Contractors (SCC). As a result, Belgium now uses exactly the same system as the Netherlands. Dutch and Belgian SCC certificates are therefore equivalent and valid in both countries.
France uses the Manuel d’Amélioration Sécurité Santé Environnement des Entreprises (MASE). The Netherlands accepts MASE for all SCC certification levels. France only accepts the SCC Petrochemicals certification level. This is recorded in an agreement.
Germany and Austria
Germany and Austria use the Sicherheits Certifikat Contraktoren (SCC). Although this system is not exactly the same as the Dutch SCC, certificates are accepted on both sides.
Other countries
Other countries do not (as yet) use safety systems comparable to SCC. SCC certificates are not automatically valid there and certificates issued there are not automatically accepted in the Netherlands.
Certification costs
The costs of SCC certification consist of:
- The costs of implementing and maintaining an SHE management system. These include the costs of risk management, training and instruction, toolbox meetings, workplace inspections and the purchase of personal protective equipment.
- The costs of obtaining the certificate: the fees charged by the certification body and the costs of internal coaching.
The amount of these costs depends on:
- Your specific situation. Such as the structure and level of your SHE management system, the number of employees and work locations and the nature of the work.
- The level of certification you want to be certified for. SCC** has more requirements than SCC* and is therefore more expensive.
- The certification body that you engage.
The SSVV charges the certification body a fixed fee for each certificate. The certification body will charge this amount 1-on-1 to you.
The fees for SCC 2017/6.0 are:
- SCC*: 85 Euro
- SCC**: 150 Euro
- SCC P: 150 Euro
The fees for SCC 2008/5.1 are:
- SCC*: 45 Euro
- SCC**: 114 Euro
- SCC P: 114 Euro
Have you been charged a higher fee? Please contact us.
Referral documents
Formal additions to the SCC checklist for use by certification bodies.
- List of referral documents.pdf
- Transitional scheme for SCC 2008:5.1 to 2017:6.0.pdf
- List of CCE-SCC decisions SCC 2008:5.1 and 2017:6.0.pdf
- Composition CCE-SCC.pdf
- Requirements objectives and minimum requirements in italics.pdf
- Acceptance procedure for non-standard courses and diplomas.pdf
- Accepted courses and diplomas.pdf
- SCC audit report requirements.pdf
- 220927-202-NLBE-WI List of organizations concerning BVCA_VOLVCA_ DOK17_DOK18_27092022v14.pdf
The use of the SCC logo is subject to rules. These can be found here.
See also
- Find a recognised certification body
You can become certified for SCC, SCP or SCT via these certification bodies.