If you work for a contractor, you are usually required to have a Basic Safety SCC diploma (B-SCC). This shows that you have basic knowledge of safety, health and the environment.
Read moreIf you work for a contractor, you are usually required to have a Basic Safety SCC diploma (B-SCC). This shows that you have basic knowledge of safety, health and the environment.
Read moreA Safety for Operational Supervisors SCC diploma (SOS-SCC) shows that you have a basic knowledge of safety, health and the environment and that you can apply this knowledge in the interests of yourself and those you manage.
Read moreA Safety for Intermediaries and Supervisors SCT diploma (SIS-SCT) shows that you have a basic knowledge of safety, health and the environment and that you can apply this knowledge to ensure that your temporary workers work in safe and healthy conditions.
Read moreSCC stands for Safety, Health and Environment (SHE) Checklist for Contractors. An SCC certificate will help your company lay the foundations for safe and healthy work every day.
Read moreSCP stands for Safety, Health and Environment (SHE) Checklist for Principals. An SCP certificate allows you, as the client, to show that you consider safe and healthy work to be important.
Read moreSCT stands for Safety and Health (SH) Checklist for Temporary Workers. An SCT certificate allows you to show that your temporary employment agency considers safe and healthy work to be important.
Read moreHave you lost your diploma? No problem, the registration in the Central Diploma Register allows you to prove that you have actually obtained the diploma. Some examination centres provide a new paper copy against payment.
Is there an error in the data in the Central Diploma Register? Please report this to the examination centre from which you obtained your diploma. They can modify your registration in the Central Diploma Register. Some changes, such as a name change, can only be made by VCA Infra. In such cases, your examination centre may refer you to VCA Infra.
Have you passed your examinations, but are not listed in the Central Diploma Register? Examination centres must register successful candidates in the Central Diploma Register within 15 working days of the date of the examination. If this has not happened within 15 working days, please contact your examination centre.
Have you lost your certificate? No problem, the Central Certification Register allows you to prove that you have actually obtained the certificate. Ask your certification body for a new paper copy.
Is your data in the Central Certification Register incorrect? Report this to the certification body that issued your certificate. They can modify your registration in the Central Certification Register.
Has your company been successfully audited, but you are not listed in the Central Certification Register? Certification bodies must register companies in the Central Certification Register within one month. If this has not happened within one month, please contact your certification body.